MTGB shows information about movies, tv shows, games and books.
Below are listed the features for each category:-
Movies and TV Shows
- Find movie or tv show according to a specific genre, year or rating range
- Watch trailers, know release dates, where to stream, buy, and rent
- Cast, crew, production companies information
- Similar movies and tv shows
- Add items to your particular lists
- Rate titles
- Find game according to a specific genre, year or rating range
- Watch trailers, know release dates, and find further information with links to game websites.
- Information about the game developers
- Similar games
- Add items to your particular lists
- Rate titles
- Find book according to a specific genre
- Know the publisher and author of a particular book
- Find summary about book
- Links to where to find and buy the book
- Add items to your particular lists
Additional Features
- You can also change app theme
- Search the entire catalog for ease
NOTE: - If you are a user from India, please use VPN while using app as TMDB which is used for app data is blocked in India.